It’s day six, we’ve reached the half way point. What have you learnt over the last few days? Has it made you view your current work in progress any differently? Let me know in the comments, or share on social media.
And so, let me introduce you to today’s mystery author.
Cesca Major is a novelist and screenwriter. She has written 14 books and has been published in ten different countries, including Maybe Next Time which was recently picked for Reece Witherspoon’s Book Club.
What struck me most when reading through her advice to budding authors is just what a learning process each book is for the writer. Every book teaches us something different about the best way to write. I know that I had an entirely different approach to novel two than I’d had to novel one, and it worked so much better for me. I may change it again, who knows? But that’s the exciting thing about writing, the journey, the adventure. Not just in terms of what you are writing but how. And that’s something Cesca focuses on in her advice today…