I am hoping not to make too many trans people feel ‘unsafe’ by writing this, that is not my intention. My intention – as should be that of any polemicist – is to start a conversation and, as always, I invite comments. A warning before we start, that this post contains some pretty explicit descriptions.
I’ve noticed recently a new argument that is being used to shut down any conversation about the growing conflict between trans rights and women’s rights, and I’ve got to say, I find it pretty offensive. It seems that it is being rolled out by people who, I can only assume, have their genitals intact and it is this: We don’t talk about genitals.
At the start of this week, Keir Starmer was asked: ‘can women have penises?’ Yes, I know it gets repetitive witnessing it boiled down to sex organs, but it is a vital part of the conversation about ‘what is a woman’ a question that frighteningly few people will agree to answer at the moment. Starmer – a man who wishes to be our next Prime Minister…