Love the moral tale, Anna.Just wish there had been an old woman and daughter. My personal lesson: at age 24, a stillbirth, husband left me a month later, diagnosed with lupus around then and a few weeks later in hospital on heparin to unsuccessfully dissolve a blood clot in my leg. Disaster? No. Gough Whitlam introduced fee free uni, in fact they gave us an allowance. The opportunity to get the education I passed up earlier because my boyfriend would have been heartbroken as it meant I’m have to teachers college in the ,country. Didn’t look back.

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Wow, what a turn of events, Viviane, and how you made the most of it. I’m sorry you went through those things though. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙏🏼❤️

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Thanks, Anna. I’m not sorry as I needed a rude shock, though I do wish the lupus had not lingered. Still no cure but lots of drugs to keep it under some sort of control while it slowly eats away at me. And I’ve had the benefit of 52 years to work on the emotional effects … :-)

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This parable was in Bluey’s The Sign (longer) episode and it was such a beautiful episode. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about them moving house and moving towns and their uncle getting married and/or moving away - it’s a kid’s show with cartoon dogs but I have cried multiple times watching it.

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It’s a half hour one ish I think and they are usually 8 minutes. Season 3

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Oh my god I love Bluey, I need to look up this episode 🥲

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I needed this reminder today!

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Glad it arrived for you then, Bonnie!

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I wish I could remember where — but I just read another version of this parable. It’s a good one for these times.

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I've always loved this folktale, but often forget about it. Thanks for the reminder!

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It is one to be repeated as we need to hear it.

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I’m an optimist by nature, and I keep hoping for a silver lining in the recent catastrophic election in the US. If there is one, it’s not obvious, but since there’s little I can do, I may as well be philosophical and accept that it’s only part of the picture. Thank you for this timely parable, Anna.

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I’m glad to think the piece might have given you a slightly different way to view these things, Kit. Thank you for commenting. 🙏🏼

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