Thank you for sharing this - it’s so interesting to hear your perspective as a bookseller as well as a writer. Authors are shockingly underpaid given they fuel the industry and publishing salaries are generally low, & staff overworked. I think the cover price (let alone the discount price) of a book in no way reflects the costs of creating and publishing it - sales quantities have to be unrealistically vast for the numbers to stack up. I’m venturing into self-publishing this year which is giving me an even more pointy understanding of publishing finances!!

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This is fascinating and thank you so much for spelling it out like this Anna. It’s a bloody joke isn’t it? And not to mention the business of second hand book buying which everyone seems to be doing now. I think there needs to be more awareness of how writers need people to buy their books new as non-writers don’t seem to get this! I haven’t had a royalty statement yet for Sins but assumed it’s because I haven’t yet paid off my advance. Should I be receiving one anyway? Xx

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This was such an interesting post. I had no idea about how royalties and advances work - so eye opening!

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