The kids must be devastated by his behavior. Her book probably won’t help them. Years from now this will be out of the public eye and there will be just the wreckage of these relationships. Primal relationships to the children. I hope the parents find a private way to navigate respect for complicated feelings. And stay clear of loyalty games with the children. It sounds like he’s not going to vanish on his kids and so that’s complicated for her (and them). Agree with all the feminist points. I am, however, the daughter of bitterly divorced artists, and an outspoken feminist (whose unfinished tell-all novel I found after her death).

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I honestly think Torygraph comments are the worst of all the papers broadsheets and tabs

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Urgh, the worst…

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"What is it that is so frightening about a woman talking about her life experience?" It threatens the patriarchy, that's what. Or, as Melissa Febos writes in Body Work : "Those who benefit from the inequities of our society resist the stories of people whose suffering is on large part owed to the structures of our society. They do not want to have to change."

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Absolutely, but what always surprises/disappoints me are the women who are maintaining the patriarchal structures too believing that they are benefitting from them.

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Lolling at number 3 😌

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Sep 20Liked by Anna Wharton

'My ex was a small-time musician compared to Dave Grohl'

Ha ha! Once again, nice shade, Anna :D

I really hope that Blum writes her book because I would read the hell out of it!

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